Sarah & Gavin in the thick of it
We were about 1/4 of the way to that mountain you see in the background in the previous pic, still finding nothing. So, we saw these 2X4s sticking up in the middle of somewhere, so we thought, 'hey, let's check that out.' Yeah, nothing there again. So, hey, let's try to go in further. Still nothing! We got to a clearing and the plants were only about five feet high at that point, so we were at least able to see where we could check next. At that point, Adam, Jonathan, & Matt continued on. Sarah, Caleb, Isaac, Gavin, and I stayed back and waited to hear what was ahead. Right about then, I remember that camera I stuffed in my pocket, yeah, it's gone! I was kinda freaking out. It's a pretty new camera and a pretty nice one, too. I couldn't imagine what to do. I was racking my brain trying to remember when I put it in my pocket and realized that I did that right in the thickest part and about an hour before. Ahhhh!!! What to do?!?!?!
We had the GPS which had tracked our trail, but it was acurate to about 6-20 feet, kind of a large range. The other problem was that we came in two different groups and of course, the GPS was with the group not with me. Since there was no real trail, we came in differently. We started back and did our best to keep around the same area. We found several tracks, but couldn't tell which were ours and which were others. Anyway, we were all praying that we could find it. Everyone split up and started searching. After about half hour of searching, I felt like things just didn't seem right, so I went about ten feet from Sarah and lo and behold, THERE IT WAS!!! It was right on the edge of a crack in the ground.
We got back to where we started from and hiked back up to the cars. Adam decided to drive to the next lookout to see what was there. So, what, you ask, was there??? The trail-head to take you to the ruins of St. Thomas. It was like a 1 1/2 hour hike round trip. Lame! I think we were in the field for about 3 hours looking for something that wasn't there!! Makes for a good story and we had a good time, though. So no harm done! Here are some other pics from that outing...
Caleb & Isaac ready for an adventure...
Aaron with his 'talkie-walkie'
Stylin' Lilah
Stylin' Ruby
(Matt & Sarah in the background)
Jonathan & Ali
Hi Becca! It's so fun to hear from you :) From the look of your blog, looks like you're keeping pretty busy. That's awesome you're in the works of opening your own cupcake shop. Great idea! Good luck. I am going to add you to my blog so we can stay in touch. Bye :)
What a small world. I was checking out my old co-workers' ( from SU) blogs Mea and Allyson when I saw your comment. How strange is that? Anyway just thought I would say hello. I hope that life is treating you well. Let me know when you open your cupcake shop. I would love to come try it out.
Hey! I'm glad you commented on my blog so I could find yours. I so wish I was still in Utah so I could have some of your cupcakes! Good luck with the shop. Let me know when it opens so the next time I'm in Utah I can get some.
Becca, holy cow this is so fun! I lost your number from our reunion, and I totally have been thinking about you. Can you believe its allready been two years since the big reunion? How is Dave? Tell him hi for me. I am coming to Utah this fall for a few months so we really need to get together. See ya soon, Alyson
This is the best freaking story ever! I love that we can take an incident like this (that made us feel like the biggest losers EVER) & turn it into an awesome experience that we will laugh about forever.
Besides, who wants to see some dumb ghost town, when you can walk around a dried up lake bed & get impaled by invisible monster daggers?
I'm sure glad Adam packed his whole house in his fanny pack, or else that plant dagger would still be in my foot.
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