Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

Mother's Day - We had a yummy dinner at Adam & Janae's cute house. Here are a few pics from that day...Funny, I didn't get any pics of my mom that day. Hmm, I'll post some from a different day...Love you mom!!!

My Cute Niece, Lilah

Wait for it...

Lilah again...This was so cute. I was ready to take her pic, but I think I was supposed to catch her. She slid down and slammed right on her little bum. If she got hurt, it wouldn't have been funny, but since she laughed, it was pretty entertaining!

Ali, Jonathan, & Adam

Adam was nice enough to BBQ the chicken for us. Ali and Jonathan kept him company. Jonathan, why is that pose so familiar?


The Cox Crew said...

I'm a little confused on the familiar pose, unless you talking about the fact that all the boys in our family do the exact one.

Becca said...

So, the pose I was talking about was that painting by Grant Woods. I think it's called American Gothic or something.