Saturday, May 31, 2008
St. George - Good Times
My family goes to St. George every year over Memorial Day. Some choose to come for the weekend and some stay for the full week. This year, I opted for the latter. It’s always a super relaxing get-away. Mostly we spent time at the pool, Wal-Mart, Target, or In & Out. (Also, St. Thomas as mentioned in previous post) We all have an awesome time just being with family. Adam and Janae and their four kids, Leah (flew in from Boston), Myself, David and Melody and their two kids, Sarah and Matt (their three kids weren’t in town yet), Jonathan and Ali, Mom and Mike, and Grandma Petersen were all in attendance. Lots of people = lots of fun!
I wish I had more pictures of the trip, but here are some I do have. My nephew, Gavin (David & Melody’s son) has a love for dancing. Melody put on some song that sounded like some kind of Military or Drill song. It was so funny to see how, without any prompting, Gavin started marching around. He had some other stellar moves also…

And Gavin being goofy…
This is what happens when Jonathan gets a hold of my camera…
More good times...
Grandma Petersen
Ruby, Mom (aka Grammy), and Lilah
Leah and I left St. George on Friday afternoon. We picked up Sarah at work in Lehi and dropped Leah off at Adam’s house. Sarah and I then drove out to pick up her and Matt’s kids in Elko. We drove to Wendover Friday night, spent the night and left at the crack of dawn to make it to Elko. We were there just long enough to get them in the car and take off. We had to make it back to Draper by three for a baptism. We cut it super close and it was a lot of driving to do in two days, but it was worth it to have the kids out here!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
St. Thomas, Nevada
Sarah & Gavin in the thick of it
We were about 1/4 of the way to that mountain you see in the background in the previous pic, still finding nothing. So, we saw these 2X4s sticking up in the middle of somewhere, so we thought, 'hey, let's check that out.' Yeah, nothing there again. So, hey, let's try to go in further. Still nothing! We got to a clearing and the plants were only about five feet high at that point, so we were at least able to see where we could check next. At that point, Adam, Jonathan, & Matt continued on. Sarah, Caleb, Isaac, Gavin, and I stayed back and waited to hear what was ahead. Right about then, I remember that camera I stuffed in my pocket, yeah, it's gone! I was kinda freaking out. It's a pretty new camera and a pretty nice one, too. I couldn't imagine what to do. I was racking my brain trying to remember when I put it in my pocket and realized that I did that right in the thickest part and about an hour before. Ahhhh!!! What to do?!?!?!
We had the GPS which had tracked our trail, but it was acurate to about 6-20 feet, kind of a large range. The other problem was that we came in two different groups and of course, the GPS was with the group not with me. Since there was no real trail, we came in differently. We started back and did our best to keep around the same area. We found several tracks, but couldn't tell which were ours and which were others. Anyway, we were all praying that we could find it. Everyone split up and started searching. After about half hour of searching, I felt like things just didn't seem right, so I went about ten feet from Sarah and lo and behold, THERE IT WAS!!! It was right on the edge of a crack in the ground.
We got back to where we started from and hiked back up to the cars. Adam decided to drive to the next lookout to see what was there. So, what, you ask, was there??? The trail-head to take you to the ruins of St. Thomas. It was like a 1 1/2 hour hike round trip. Lame! I think we were in the field for about 3 hours looking for something that wasn't there!! Makes for a good story and we had a good time, though. So no harm done! Here are some other pics from that outing...
Caleb & Isaac ready for an adventure...
Aaron with his 'talkie-walkie'
Stylin' Lilah
Stylin' Ruby
(Matt & Sarah in the background)
Jonathan & Ali
Friday, May 23, 2008
Brunch with the Girls
Celeste's Cutie, Millie
Saturday, May 17, 2008
BBQ Party

Steph & Kira
Kira, Steph, Michelle (aka Bailey), Me
More chubb legs :)
Hey, Steph! What's so funny?
Oh yeah, I remember...He he!
We had so much fun at the BBQ! Good times had by all, can't wait until the next one!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Mother's Day
My Cute Niece, Lilah
Wait for it...
Ali, Jonathan, & Adam
Adam was nice enough to BBQ the chicken for us. Ali and Jonathan kept him company. Jonathan, why is that pose so familiar?
Saturday, May 10, 2008
V-ball Party

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

It was beautiful there. We got there too late to go inside the grounds, but from what we saw, beautiful. We only stayed there for a short time. We left and were on our way back to Jaimee and Trey's when we decided our toes needed a little attention. We stopped at some hole in the wall salon to get pedicures. The place we stopped was a little questionable, but our toes ended up gorgeous!

That sums up the D.C. trip. We had an awesome time and can't wait for our next trip. Hmmm...better get planning something!
Monday, May 5, 2008
I need to come up with some fun names for these...any ideas??? My sister-in-law said I should name some of them after my nieces and nephews. I think it would be a good idea. My nieces and nephews are Gavin, Lilah, Caleb, Isaac, Aaron, and Ruby. Some of the flavors I have perfected so far are, coconut, red velvet, carrot cake, orange, lemon, chocolate, and vanilla. I think that the red velvet would be perfectly suited for Ruby. I am open to any suggestions on how to get creative with it!