Yes, I know this is random, but I thought it'd be a good pic. Pretty cool, I think!

And random, again!

A fun collage of their fam...we got some great shots!

Steph & Me

Me and Kira at Cheesecake Factory
Yes, I know this is random, but I thought it'd be a good pic. Pretty cool, I think!
And random, again!
A fun collage of their fam...we got some great shots!
Steph & Me
Me and Kira at Cheesecake Factory
Beautiful Mom & Beautiful Baby
MaryAlayne & Me
Emma tickling Kira--notice Emma's 'mittens' aka Kira's socks--Cute!
Emma was looking at me like I was a weirdo, but it made for a pretty funny picture!
Kira havin' fun on the bouncer
This was too cute...they were just chillin' on the bouncer. They must have been pooped after running around for hours.
Lilah was so cute--as soon as she was able to, she ran straight to the table with all the trophies and attempted to take one for herself. Luckily Grammy was quick and caught her in time.
After the tournament, we went to IHOP and stuffed ourselves. yummy.
Cute fam!--Melody, Gavin, & David (Lilah above)
Me, Lilah, & Gavin
After the fun, I headed out to Steph's house to go walking and have some girl chat...
Me and Kira--don't you love the socks?!?! Too cute!
Janae, Ali, Jonathan, Adam, Caleb's head
Matt & Sarah
Caleb and his new ride
Aaron & Ruby with their gargantuous pieces of cake--it's the best when Grammy serves the cake!
Caleb, Isaac, Gavin
Caleb, Isaac, Me
I love catching Aaron in his pondering moments!
Me and Baby Benjamin--he's so cute!
Hey Sarah, you got somethin' on your face. How'd you get that? What's with the crusty?!?!
We continued to chat about other really important stuff and closed down the Wendy's. We stood outside and were approached by more 'shady' characters, so we sat in her car and finished chatting. Anyway, that's probably more than you wanted to read, but we had a blast! Thanks, Camille for hanging out with me!
Our team: Katie, Amy, Stacy, Kim, Me, Michelle
This is me running into said puny tree. In my car. In an EMPTY parking lot.
Here's to my OCCASIONAL stupidity.
Sarah, Jenn, and I went to see Eagle Eye (good movie, by the way) and met at Chick-fil-A for dinner. We all headed to the movie in my car then after, headed back to drop the girls off at their cars and lo and behold...I just about hit a tree. We all had a good laugh, and of course, Sarah had to take pictures. Luckily there was no damage to my car, or more importanly, the tree.
Mom, Sarah, & Leah - this was at a rest stop somewhere in Vermont or New Hampshire
This was part of the Berlin Wall and was displayed in Battery Park
On Monday, we drove back to Boston. We went through Connecticut, which was beautiful. On our way to Rhode Island, we found this super cute pumpkin patch called The Farmer’s Daughter. There were the most creative displays of all sorts of squash and gourds. We were there for so long just walking around and snapping pictures.
We got to Newport, RI and saw all the mansions. We went on part of the cliff walk and, again, took tons of pictures.
Alas, it was time to leave...We left and returned home on Tuesday and had to get right back to life. Thanks Leah for having us and showing us such a great time!!!
Here is a link to more of the pictures if you’re interested…Enter at your own risk!!!