My sister, Leah, came to visit over Labor Day weekend! She lives in Boston and tries to make it out here as often as possible. It was a last minute trip and we were all excited to see her! I picked her up at the airport on Friday night and first order of business?...Cafe Rio, of course! We headed over to meet Kenny, Stephanie, and Kira. I think they all enjoyed seeing eachother since it's been so long.
Kenny and his girls

On Saturday, we went to Caleb's first football game. K, so he's nine and plays with full pads, like REAL football. Crazy! Their team kicked butt! I think he may have had the largest crowd there. Those in attendance: Adam, Janae, Caleb, Isaac, Aaron, Ruby, Benjamin, Marilyn, Christy, Mom, Mike, Dad, Leah, Me, Melody, Gavin, & Lilah. I think that covers everyone! We had a great time watching the game and look forward for more to come!
Later that day, Leah and I went to see Big at the Hale Center Theater.
It was a really cute play. I was a little curious to see how they'd adapt that to a musical, but it was pretty good.
The rest of the weekend was just hanging out with the family. To celebrate the holiday, we had a BBQ on Monday. All in all we had a good time and we were so glad that Leah got to come for a few days! Hey, Leah...see you in Boston soon!!
Here are just a few random pics from the weekend. I stole them all from Leah!

This looks like sooo much fun! I am so jealous that you're so close to much family!
...sounds like you guys had a blast, and maybe we'll see you in Boston?!? We're leaving oct.7th... you?
I don't think I have seen a picture of your older sis in a while. She looks exactly the same as she did way back when. That is a compliment :)
I wish I was visiting at the time Leah was. We might be down for Christmas.
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