My old roommates, (and still friends, of course) Stephanie and Angela try to get together at least once a month. Well, we had already gotten together once in September, but we had so much fun that we decided to do a little something more. We went to Angela & Derek's house for a BBQ. Steph's husband, Kenny, was going to come too, but had something else going on so it was just us girls and Derek. We just hung out and chatted for a while. 

Steph was nice enough to provide the meat for everyone. She put together some hamburgers, which were delicious, but were a little too big. Derek had to cut them in half and then in forths just to get them to cook all the way through. It was pretty funny...

Emma woke from her nap and her and Kira played for a while. Emma, Ang's daughter, was calling Kira her "little sister" was super cute!
Anyway, we all had a good time and we made sure to book our next night in. Hopefully by then Ang and Derek will have their new little one, MaryAlayne (cute, huh?)

I still laugh every time I see the picture of you eating that burger!!!!
I'm not a big meat-eater, so I mean it in the absolute nicest way possible when I say, "SICK!" :)
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