Check it out! Name tags and everything! Beautiful!
Even a super cute centerpiece!
I got to make pies this year seven in all... I thought they turned out awesome, so I just had to share! :)
Chocolate Cream & Banana Cream
Chocolate Pecan
As we began to eat, Janae tells us that the bottom plastic plates are just chargers, so don't eat on them. Jonathan just thought that he'd use the biggest plate. Yeah, good job Jonathan!
After dinner, Sarah played with the kids. She came up with this costume...Nice!
Caleb and Janae ran a 5K in the morning. Their ward sponsored it and had tons of shirts left over. So naturally, we all got one!
Since there were so many shirts, the kids decided to wear ALL of them! I think they all had like 25 shirts on each!!!
Since there were so many shirts, the kids decided to wear ALL of them! I think they all had like 25 shirts on each!!!