I turned around and two rows behind us were my aunt, Holly and my cousins, Capria, Krista, and Savanna. Wow! Small world!!!
So, the concert consisted of the top ten contestants from the show. They came on in order of when they were voted off. I was pleased that they each came out and performed by themselves. There were only like two or three numbers that they did together. The group performances always seem so cheesy. First up...
Chikezie. He was really entertaining. I wasn't a huge fan of his on the show, but I enjoyed watching him perform at the concert. I'd give him one thumb up.
Next up was Ramiele. Not impressed! She has a pretty voice, but that's about it. She had absolutely zero stage presence. She kinda pranced around the stage, but looked completely uncomfortable. I'll go with one thumb down and the second thumb at about 45 degrees from being turned down.
Michael Johns. Can I first just say...HOTTIE!!! He was so cute! I do think he did a great job. My favorite that he did was a Queen song. It totally fit his voice and he had so much fun with it. How 'bout one and a half thumbs up?
Next up...Kristy Lee Cook. Ok, so on the show, I was not so impressed until she did God Bless the USA. I mean, 8 Days a Week? WHAT WAS SHE THINKING!?!?! When she came out on stage, she owned it from the first second. She did three songs, two of which were country and of course, she did the Lee Greenwood song again. Two thumbs up for her. When she is in her niche, she's fantastic.
Carly Smithson...I love this picture. It looks like she was trying to fly away or something. She was entertaining. Sometimes she sounds like she is yelling, but all in all, I liked her. One and a half thumbs up. (I know I don't have half a thumb, but you get my drift...)
After Carly, there was a short intermission, so we just hung out and chatted. This is just a random pic of Camille that makes me laugh...
David Archuleta. How cute is he?!?! During the show, I said that if I were 16, I would totally stalk him. Not in a creepy way, just a oh-my-gosh-you're-so-cute way. Don't even start to judge me, you know you know exactly what I mean! ;) Anyway, he definately did not disappoint! He was so good. Sometimes when you hear people on TV, you expect it to not sound so perfect in person. Well, with him, that is definately not the case. He was spot-on just like he was in every performance on the show. (with the exception of the one where he forgot the words, which he still sounded amazing while mumbling)
Anyway, he sang four songs. I can't remember all but one was the One Republic song Apologize. The other that I remember was Imagine. I have never heard so many people going so crazy at a concert. My ears were ringing so bad, it was hard to hear some of the singing. He was so appreciative of the fans in Utah. As he was thanking everyone, he started crying. Ah, how cute. I really hope he stays as humble as he is now. I guess only time will tell. I have a video, but it took way too long to upload. He gets two thumbs and two big toes up! (I know that's nerdy, but sue me!)
And the title holder...
David Cook. You know, I really liked both Davids on the show. At the final, I couldn't decide who I wanted to win. I think I leaned a little toward Archuleta just because he was from Utah. David Cook was very entertaining at the concert. He came out like he was already a bonafide rock star. It was quite a contrast to the humility of the other David. It was a little annoying that he was so cocky, but I guess he has every reason to be...
He sang two of my favorite songs from the show which were, Hello and Billy Jean. He gets two thumbs up and a big toe up, too.
So, I bet you thought I was finally finished with this ridiculously long post, but guess what? I'm not!
After the concert, we were trying to find out where they were because we wanted to see about getting autographs. Well, Sarah and I were almost home and I got a voicemail from Camille saying that she saw a bunch of people lined up at the back of the E Center. Being the dorks that we are, Sarah and I turned around and headed back. We had to do some maneuvering, but we cut in front of about 80 percent of the people waiting in the line. The idols started coming out one by one, and we bombarded them with everyone else. We pushed, shoved, and yelled our way to most to get a signature. The only three that we didn't get were Jason Castro (big deal), Syesha (also, big deal), and David Cook (he didn't even come out to give autographs). I got some pics of a few, but my camera died after three... Oh well! Here are the pics I got. I am going to scan the autographs one of these days and post them. Mostly as proof to one person that didn't believe that I did it!!! ;) you know who you are... :)
Kristy Lee Cook - Btw, she is beautiful in person!
Ramiele - Btw, she is so little! Her and David A. are about the same size. (5 foot nuthin)
Michael Johns - Btw, super cute!
OK, so that's all...Bye.
Okay...so that took up my afternoon to read...I feel like I was totally there. But, it's a good thing that I didn't go because I for sure would have been a LAME to hang out with. HA!
Way too jealous here!!! I am glad you did a play by play, I felt like I didn't miss anything!!! Thanks! I am right there with you on the stalking David A.
Make sure you check my site
Becca, that was so entertaining, even though the post was forever long. I loved it! And, I love AI, so I am totally jealous :) The pics are great!
you crack me up! loved it, length and all. leah
Thanks for the tongue shot and the fun night out with the AI's! BTW, you didn't mention how mad I was that you went back for autographs without calling me! ;( I would also love to see your 2 big toes up next time we get together...maybe even a picture. I have a really gross image in my head of what that might look like! J/K! Love ya!
I didn't watch Idol this season I (why not? I have no idea! I am REALITY TV QUEEN!), but now I feel totally caught up, like I didn't miss a thing! GREAT recap!
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