Here's a picture of me and Camille...This wasn't on our outing because I didn't take my camera, but this is from our trip to Santa Barbara a while ago...

Adam & Janae's baby, Benjamin, was born on August 13, 2008. He was 8 lbs 15 oz and was 3 weeks early! He'd have been like 11 pounds if he went full term, crazy! He had a few medical problems since he was so early, so he was rushed to Primary Children's NICU. He was supposed to be there for three or four weeks, but was able to come home after only a week and a half!
Anyway, I got to watch the other four kids while Janae was in the hospital and Adam was with her or the baby (2 days!). I picked up the kids from the hospital at about 6:00 p.m. the day he was born. We headed home after the exciting dinner in the hospital cafeteria. We played for a while and the kids were beat, so I put them to bed. The next day we got up and had some yummy breakfast. I was trying to think of super fun ideas to keep them busy and not just put a movie on. We colored, played Shutes & Ladders, played Disney Scene It, and a bunch of other games. I had fun and I'm pretty sure that the kids did too! Later that night, we watched Surfs Up, which was pretty cute.
The next day, we kept pretty busy playing and hanging out. We went to dinner and then went to see WALL-E. It was kind of a weird movie. The kids weren't very impressed either. WALL-E is basically a glorified trash compactor and he gets a kind of crush on another robot that comes down to earth to find life on the planet. All the humans are on a cruise in space. So, they all ride around on these hover lounge chairs and do nothing but drink their meals and shop on the computers that are connected to the chairs. Anyway, this sounds like a bunch of mumbo jumbo, but that's basically how the movie was! It had a good message at the end, which was to take care of our planet.
Later that night, we were able to go to the hospital and visit with Janae. I've never seen someone look so pretty, calm, and put together that quickly after having a baby. She said the trick is to put on some pearls and you'll look put together. It totally worked for her, but I have a feeling that putting on pearls wouldn't help me after going through all that!
The next day we went up to Primary's to see the baby. Since he was in the NICU, we had to go in one at a time with Adam while the others hung out in the playroom with Janae. It was so sad to see him with all the tubes in him, but we knew he was being well taken care of. I dropped the kids off at my mom's later that night so they could have a sleepover with their cousins.
I had a great time and it wasn't bad at all, but I don't think I could do it EVERY day! Love you guys!!! Welcome home, Benjamin!
Michelle and Janelle
Rascal and Megan
Janelle and Smoke
I got to ride Mark. He was a grand champion of something, I don't really remember of what, but he's pretty impressive!
Michelle and her dad were riding Princess and Dude, respectively. I didn't get a picture of them, though. Oops. We rode for a few hours around the ranch and then along some trails behind their house. It was beautiful!
Tuesday, we went four-wheeling all around. I haven't gone four-wheeling since 2007 and that was in Ensenada in wine country, so it was a little different! We went around all sorts of trails and hills and a little rougher terrain than wine country! It was so much fun and I decided that I definately need to get me one of those in the future. Later that day, we headed home. The drive back was pretty fun, too. You'd think that after a seven hour drive there and three full days with the same people, you wouldn't have anything else to talk about. Well, we still chatted pretty much all the way home. We had an awesome time and it was so fun to get to know these girls a little better. I can't wait for our next trip!
This whale must have been iritated...This is it slapping its tail.
Triche (tri-chay), Jenny, Me, & Carlos
This is kind of a funny sequence. I made them stay like that until I got my camera out. I think Jenny was starting to gag, but I couldn't get me camera because I was laughing so hard!
I guess he wasn't done feeding her after the comes the ice cream. Open wide, Jenny!
Day Eight 8/2:
Our cruising has come to an end. :( We met in one of the restaurants with our disembarking group. We left the boat and were going through customs since we were now in Vancouver, Canada. As we arrived to the customs officer, he was questioning us on our plans. Well, our plans were to stay in Canada for a night and then head home the next day. He told us that we were in the wrong place and we couldn't get on the shuttle to take us to the airport. We were going to go to the airport, pick up our luggage, pick up our rental car, then go to our hotel. Fat chance was basically the consensus. The officer referred us to another customs officer, which walked us around to all the places that we had to go. She took us through another security checkpoint, then to another customs officer, which questioned us. They figured out that we weren't there to cause any problems, so they put us in a cab to go to the airport. Our luggage was on some bus, so we had to wait at the airport for it to arrive. While waiting, we exchanged some of our money to Canadian money so we didn't look too touristy. The bus with our luggage arrived about a half hour later, so finally we were on our way.
We walked about a mile or two to the car rental booth at the airport and checked out our car. We got this cute, black Ford Fusion. It was just the right size. We put our luggage in and were looking at the map (parked) to figure out where we needed to go. All of a sudden, we looked up, and SMASH!!!! Some guy had slammed right into us! Of course, I didn't get the insurance since I think my insurance covers me on rentals. I got out to assess the damage and the guy that hit us got out also. The damage wasn't too bad, but I didn't want to get reamed for it. I looked at the guy and noticed he was wearing a Budget uniform. Are you kidding me? The guy that brings the cars around 'didn't see us' and slammed into us? We went inside and the manager had me fill out an incident report, luckily not blaming me for any of it. I knew none of it was my fault, but who knew how things were handled in Canada? J/K, I knew they'd be fair. Anyway, the other manager came out and asked how comfortable I am with driving a big car. I told him I didn't mind as long as it wasn't bigger than an F250 or something. They gave us the keys, we got our luggage out of the other car, and then we were finally on our way. We got to the car and they gave us a Sport Trac Truck. K, so two girls cruisin' around Vancouver, Canada in a truck?!?! It was pretty entertaining, but SO NOT US! It was a nice car, but a gas hog! We noticed the gas stations there and they were 1.47. We were so confused for a little bit, but then I remembered, DUH...they use liters! $1.47 per liter, worse than the states and we had a gas hog, Ugh!
It's pretty cute though, right?
We got to the Marriott really early so we thought they wouldn't let us check in yet, but they did, thank goodness! We were starving, so we headed out to Burger King (we like to try the local cuisine) for some lunch. After that, we went back to the hotel and tried to decide what we'd like to do for the day. Well, we decided to check out the local Wal-Mart. I know, super exciting! We went there and got a few souvenirs for super cheap. Good decision, we decided! Well, by then it was dinner time, so we tried some more local cuisine (Boston Pizza). We took it back to the hotel with us and rented a movie (Made of Honor), and sat and ate and watched a movie. So, that was our Canadian experience. We actually had a good time and the rest was much needed after our exciting week. The next day, we got up and headed to the airport. Got on our flight with no extreme drama, a little flirting with the customs agent on my part, but not much else. Once we got home, Jenny's boyfriend, Alan, picked us up and took us home. We had such a great time and I would totally do an Alaskan Cruise again! I highly recommend it!!! It's much different than other types of cruises. Alaskan is more laid back and focused on scenery. The Carribbean is more of a party and island (obviously) feel, so that is definately great too, but a completely different feel. The Mexican one is also fun, but more like the Carribbean, but not as many partiers. All are super fun and highly recommended! My next will hopefully be Mediterranean...crossing my fingers!
Well, that's it for the cruise, hopefully this didn't bore anyone, but if it did, it's your own fault for reading on after you were bored!!! ;)