My dad and Dolly were in Mt. Pleasant RVin' it. They were stuck with their RV, but no car. Well, he asked me to bring down a car for them. I guess it was getting annoying to unhook everything any time they wanted to go anywhere. So, I called Sarah and got her to get her kids together so we could make a day of it. We had planned on leaving at one on Saturday, but you know what they say..."The best laid plans..." I met Sarah at my dad's house in Draper. She took my Tribeca to Les Schwab to get the air pressure checked and I took the other car, Bryce, and Carson to Arctic Circle to get some grub before

heading out. Once Sarah and Makana arrived, we ate and while eating, I gave Sarah the key to the BMW since she was going to drive that while I drove my car. I left to go to get something that I had left at my dad's. While I was there, Sarah called and asked me where the key was. I told her I gave it to her. Well, it was no where to be found! She asked one of the workers if they could open the garbage to see if it was in there. The employee informed her that they had just taken out the garbage. Oh no!!! Sarah and the employee headed out to the garbage to start the hunt. That's about the time I arrived back at Arctic Circle. Of course, my first thought was "I have to have a picture of that!" So, here ya go...

She wasn't very happy that I came out with the camera, but come on, how could I resist?!?! After I took a few pics, I delved in and helped search. After checking about three bags, we were convinced it wasn't in there. Sarah asked the guy if there was ANY garbage in the can inside. He said some, but not much. Since we exhausted the dumpster diving, we went inside. Sarah looked in the inside garbage and moved a little paper and THERE IT WAS!!!! I was laughing so hard! Our hands were covered in fry sauce, ice cream, soda, and anything else (I don't really want to know what) that was in the dumpster. (notice the trail left by the garbage by the dumpster, EWWW!)
So, finally we headed out. It was about five by this time. The drive wasn't too bad. We got to Manti at about 7:30 and headed over to hang out by the temple. We had some good quality family time. We watched the pageant that was really good, but I think they need to cut it by about half hour! Super good, but super long (1 ½ hours!) We headed to the RV park and got there by about 1:00 a.m. We transferred all three kids to my car and headed back. It was a longer drive on the way home than on the way there. I don't know really how that works, but it seemed like it was at least 3 hours longer! I took Sarah and the kids to their house in Eagle Mountain and headed home to Murray. I didn't ge home until 4:00 a.m.! Crazy, but fun times! Here are some pics from our trip...
Bryce, Makana, Carson
Makana, Sarah, Bryce, Carson
Dad, Dolly
Sarah, Bryce - see that plate in the background...
Wait for it...

Bryce - after setting her foot in the ketchup.
Sarah - this is such a cute pic of my sis :)

Makana lookin' oh so cool

Bryce & Me
Hey, would you like a frozen banana?
No, but I would like a regular banana later, so yes.


Carson, Makana, Me, Bryce

The Fam