Have you ever had one of those days where NOTHING is going your way? Today was definitely one of those days...

It started at about 5:00 a.m. I headed to the gym and worked out for a while. I was feeling good and just knew it would be a great day. I mean, it's Friday, how could it not be great? I stopped in at Maverik to get a diet coke...and they were out! Are you kidding me? I should have known then that everything was about to go down hill.
I got to work and things were going fine. Because this is a slow time of year, we were planning on closing early AND work was buying us lunch, sweet right? Well, I was chosen to get everyone's orders and pick up lunch this time...so everyone decided to get Grinders. I got a turkey and avocado sandwich. I was super excited because it sounded so good! Well, it was made with like the cheapest deli turkey available (like a turkey roll or something) so it was really slimy. Sick. Then the avocado had this nasty taste like it had turned brown and gone bad so they just mixed it with new avocado to make it green again.
Needless to say, I didn't eat it. So, now, I've had ZERO diet coke and no lunch...and that was probably the best part of my day.

We got off early (at about 2:00) so I began to head home. I realized (luckily before I got on the freeway) that I was about out of gas. No problem, I'll just swing by Maverik, get gas and be on my way. I pull up to the gas pump, get out and go around to run my card. I run my card and go to open the little gas door, but I had forgotten to pop it. No biggie, I run around to the driver's door and pull on the handle to get in and pop the little button. The door doesn't open. I pull again. Nothing. And again. Nothing. Apparently I didn't get it the first time and thought "oh, maybe I just need to pull harder." Nope. Keys in the car. I locked the door. I guess I had put my keys in the middle console, locked the door and gotten out. What?!?! I think I've locked my keys in my car only twice in my life and both times were in the last month!
I go around to the gas pump and cancel the sale. Luckily, I had my cell phone and my debit card, but that was it. I headed inside and called my roommate, Michelle. She was home...thank goodness! And since I had recently locked my keys in my car, I knew exactly where the spare was. She was going to bring it to me, awesome!
Now I definitely needed a diet coke! They had some now, so I was relieved. Well, since I've been through this tramatic experience, I deserved a cookie too, right? Yeah, I thought so too. I've been trying to not eat sugar lately so this was going to be quite the treat...I admit I was excited to eat it.
I go up and pay for the cookie and the diet coke. I ask the clerk to get cash back (I wanted to give Michelle some gas money or something) and the clerk looked at me like I asked her to give me her own money or something...I guess getting change out of the drawer is taxing. She hands me my $10 and my receipt. I take the money, receipt and the cookie in one hand and my diet coke in the other. I turn to walk away and what happens??? As I turn, my cookie flies out of the package and onto the floor. I was already frustrated, but amused at the same time because I mean, really is all this happening? I look at the checker (secretly thinking...she has to offer me another cookie, right? I dropped it while I was still at the checkout) and I think I actually growled, "My freaking cookie just fell on the nasty floor! Ugh." The checker looked at me like I was crazy and there was no way she'd offer anything! Especially after I made her give me change. I thought, "Okay, fine, I don't need the cookie anyway." I walk outside to wait for Michelle. There was a garbage can right by the door outside, so I chuck my cookie and the receipt in the garbage.

I wait outside, just playing on my phone, making the time pass by. Michelle pulls up to save the day! She hands me my key and as I'm expressing my thanks, I reach to my pocket to give her some gas money. She stops me and says, "No, no, no, I'm sure you'll bail me out sometime. Don't worry about it." I think, "oh, that's so nice!" By then my hands are already in my pocket and I realize the money I took out isn't in my pocket! What? That's TEN dollars! I stop to think where in the world could it have gone, then I remember that I had thrown away my stupid cookie! Oh no! I go to the garbage can, which is one of these kinds...

Keep in mind that I did not know that the front opened like that...So I'm wearing this cute, new WHITE shirt and I have to dig through the garbage! What? I stick my arm in through the opening that you see there. Fortunately, the garbage wasn't very full, but that was unfortunate as well because that means I have to reach further in. I'm feeling (eeewww) around to try to find my money that I wasn't positive was in there. Finally I get a glimpse of it! Hallelujah! The problem was that I couldn't reach it. I reached my arm in as far as I could (I'm into it up to my shoulder by now) and I had to grab the bag and start cinching it up one handful at a time. As I'm in the middle of this, some guy walks by and attempts to encourage me, "Keep trying, you'll eventually find what your looking for!" Finally, I have it in my hand! All of that for a ten dollar bill!
I go back over to Michelle's car to let her know I found it and she points out my shirt to me...my NEW WHITE shirt. I look down and my entire sleave was covered with black smudges and dirt...gross! I also got a nasty bruise on my arm from the garbage can.

Anyway, that was my awesome Friday! Luckily the day didn't get any worse but I thought I needed to treat myself to something great because of my traumatic experience, so I rewarded myself by going tanning, which completely relaxes me. Hopefully I won't have one of those days ever again!
Totally sucks. You poor thing. I have only had a few of those days in my life, but it sure takes a bunch of good ones to make up for the one bad one. Hope this week goes better :)
Those days are the worst!! I'm glad you made it. Ugh.
So sorry your day sucked. Hope you can take some solace from knowing that you made me laugh while I was reading about it! :)
Sheesh, you're not kidding. I'm tired just reading about. I think I'm gonna go to bed.
Hope tomorrow is better!
(ummm, and i laughed, too.)
I am totally peeing my pants right now! Why didn't I hear this one first hand?!?!
The stars definately aligned against you that day...ha, ha! Thanks for making my day a little better! ; )
well I'm sorry you had a shit day, but ya know, you gave me a laugh! You are too funny & I miss you!
Thanks for making me smile. If it makes you feel better I had a migrine all night, still have it this morning. I go to get Alex up who for 5 minutes has been saying SHOWER, SHOWER, SHOWER.... he is naked in on corner, his clothes and diper on the floor. One pile of crap with a footprint trail to a pile of pee. Welcome to my day! ps. He colored on the wall yesterday when I left him for literally a minute to grab some stamping stuff. AGG!!!
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