Saturday, April 18, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
One Fine Day...

Friday, April 10, 2009
Piano Recital

Monday, April 6, 2009
Monkeyin' Around
Gotta Love Having Roommates
All good stories come to an end and thankfully this one ended sooner rather than later. It all started one beautiful November day...
We had a Thanksgiving dinner with my family and one of the best things about Thanksgiving is the leftovers, right? Well, I brought home some rolls to enjoy at a later time. I came home a couple of days after and went to eat a couple of rolls for dinner...and they were half gone! I know this doesn't sound like a huge deal...and it really wasn't but it was just a little annoying. I tell one of my roommates and she says, "Hmm. That's weird because someone has been getting into my dried fruit mix...and leaving it open." Okay, still annoying. We had a family baking party and we all got to take home a bunch of treats to pass out to neighbors. We had the baking party on a Saturday...I came home on Monday after work and guess what?!?! More than HALF of the goodies were gone! Later, this person told us she was lactose intolerant and doesn't like chocolate at all. Yeah...milk was missing, Michelle had some chocolate cookies missing, granola was missing, chips were missing...Now it's more annoying, I mean, who eats someone else's food?
The last straw you ask? So, I was getting ready to go play volleyball on a wonderful February evening. I get home at about 5:30, so luckily I had made a few meals on Sunday to last me the week. I got into the fridge to grab my chicken that I had made. Guess what? It was cut in half and gone! Who eats someone's leftovers?!?! I didn't know who had gotten into it (although I had a pretty good idea) so I grabbed my other meal and guess what? It was half gone too! What the???
I was furious and super bugged, so I decided to confront the culprit. I got home from volleyball and asked her to come downstairs. My roomie, Michelle, and I sat down and waited for her to join us. Her boyfriend was there as well, so he came down too. I started by saying "first off, this probably won't be a pleasant conversation." She looked at me like "Crap, I'm caught." I continued to ask her if she has been eating our food. Of course she denied it. Her boyfriend got kind of upset and said to stop blaming her. There was absolutely no one else that could have been doing it, so I told her that. The response? "Someone must be coming in in the middle of the day and eating your food." Um, yeah. I'm sure someone is coming in and eating our food, but leaving the TV, the computers, etc...She then proceeded to say, "This may make me sound guilty, but none of my food is missing." No kidding! It's because you're eating all of ours!!!
Anyway, it ended with the suggestion that we get a camera installed so we can catch the person that is sneaking in our house and eating our food.
The saga continues...
The stealing of food continued and then little things around the house started going little stupid kitchen magnets (mind you, they are super cute magnets!). Our other roommate started noticing her things missing. We now had three of four of us with stuff missing and one person that never had anything gone...let's think about this for a sec...
We, as a group, decided that she needed to leave. That's an awkward conversation to have, but it had to be done! Michelle and I were discussing how we were going to bring it up and right at that moment the girl came down. I asked her if she had a minute to talk, she said sure, and sat down. I told her that we think she needs to move out and it's better if it's done sooner rather than later. I felt bad, but you know, sometimes it just has to be done! It all worked out alright, she decided to move back home and was actually happy about the situation once we were done with the conversation.
Funny thing, once she moved out, (it's been 1 1/2 months) not one thing has gone missing! It's nice to know that because it just verified everything that we were seeing. Anyway, not that you want to read the whole story, but I wanted to at least have it written somewhere so I remember this awesome story!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Becca Needs
1. Becca needs to learn to move on...(hmm...)
2. Becca needs some mom time...(kinda tricky if I'm not a mom! or maybe I need time with my mom.)
3. Becca needs a boyfriend...(no kidding!)
4. Becca needs a man...(ok, I get it!)
5. Becca needs to find the sum of 34, 108, and 46...(ever heard of a calculator? btw, it's 188 in case you were wondering!)
6. Becca needs some CCS support...(what's that?)
7. Becca needs a new home...(workin' on it!)
8. Becca needs a vacation...(AMEN!)
9. Becca needs a little prayer...(I'll take all I can get!)
10. Becca needs a break...(would a vacation count?)
Now, I know I'm only supposed to ten, but I saw the 11th one and couldn't help it...
11. Becca needs to turn herself into the psych ward...(hmm...)
Too funny!!!